Monday, 23 April 2012

DIY Nails


Hey guys, so here is how I created this look for my nails, it’s really really easy and I hope you enjoy it! If you’ve tried something similar to this then why not post a picture so everyone can see!

What you’ll need:
1) A base and a top coat
2) A base colour
3) A second colour (for the spots)
4) A nail art pen

1) Apply a base coat to your nails, these tend to dry reasonably quickly.
2) Apply a base colour, at least two coats.
3) When the base colour is completely dry, simply dab random spots on your nails using the second colour. I tend to do between 4-6 spots on each nail but you can change this depending on the look you’re going for. 
4) When the spots are fully dry, draw round them using the nail pen – this can be as neat or as messy as you prefer.
5) Once you are happy with the completed look you apply your top coat.

Tip: Before you begin this look make sure that you have cut, filed and smoothed all of your nails as this will help the nail polish to stay on longer.


  1. Stephy! i am really impressed with your blog posts, your so good at the beauty and makeup side of things so im glad you've finally done this! So proud.
    Laura xx
